Jun 16, 2020

The benefits of music on your mental health

by Keren Banza

Photo by Malte Wingen on Unsplash

Music has been around for ages, it is timeless. Music invokes something within each person that resonates with us on a deeper level. This allows music to have an influence on how we feel, behave, and think. Because of this, there are many benefits to music on our mental health.

Research has shown that music has a positive effect on our mental health too. Here are a few ways you can benefit from listening to music according to verywellminds:

1. Reduce stress: Music allows the mind to be relaxed and calmed.

2. Improve memory: Depending on the individual and the type of music, music can allow you to retain certain information better.

3. Help you sleep better: If you suffer from insomnia or just require better sleep, give listening to classical music while falling asleep a try.

4. Improve your mood: When you are feeling down a good song on repeat or your go-to playlist can lighten up your mood and make you feel happier.

5. Give you more motivation: Specific music can give you the boost you need to work harder or push yourself further.

Photo by Simon Noh on Unsplash

It is clear that there are many benefits to listening to music, but with the wide range of music genres available are they all effective in improving your mental health?

Different genres of music will have different impacts on your mood.

Here are how a few genres and types of music and how they can affect your mind. Keep in mind this may vary depending on individuals.

1. Jazz

Jazz is known for making people feel relaxed.

Downtempo music like jazz can lead the brain to synch up with the beat, creating alpha brain waves. These waves are mostly there when the brain is active but relaxed.

2. Classical

Classical music is known for making people feel calm.

It relaxes the body and mind, reducing stress. This, and the fact that it has no lyrics, allows the mind to be sharper and more focused.

3. Hip-hop and rap

The debate of whether rap and hip-hop have a positive or negative influence has been here for years. Recent research has shown that certain forms of hip-hop can help with feelings of depression.

The message of struggle, overcoming, or persevering through hardship can be found in some hip-hop tracks. This can help lift your spirits, make you feel that you are not alone in your struggles.

4. Pop and dance music

Pop and dance music can make you feel happier.

Pop and dance music is upbeat and can make you feel like dancing and letting loose. It gets your blood pumping, makes you feel more free and can give you feelings of euphoria.

5. Sad music

Sad music when you are feeling sad helps you feel better.

This is because it helps you to unpack and accept your own feelings better. It also makes you feel like you are not going through your sadness alone.

6. Rock music

Despite the reputation associated with rock music, it can help with anger management.

Some rock music can allow people to get their frustrations out and for others, it brings them to their happy place.

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

It is important to know which music speaks to you the most and making yourself aware of how certain music can impact how you feel. That way when you need a mood booster, to focus or to cry you know which music to direct yourself too.

If you have no radio, music on your phone, or access to YouTube or streaming sites there are still ways to get music. Music is all around us, you can find music in nature by simply taking the time to listen to all the natural sounds around you. You can even create music yourself, either by humming, singing, or using surfaces to make your own rhythm and beats.
